Lab Rates

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Soil Corrosivity Lab & Field Services by Corrosion Engineers

Our mission remains the same. Average 3-day turn-around-time on analysis and report. We understand your project needs to keep moving.

  • To provide accurate scientific analysis of your samples within a prompt timely manner,
  • To have an open door of communication so you will feel as if we are your in-house corrosion and thermal analysis department.
  • A corrosion & thermal department led by a licensed professional engineer, with NACE/AMPP corrosion credentials, Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering degrees and years of seminar involvement, construction defect litigation & failure analysis investigations who knows firsthand how to keep you out of trouble. Our professional network of partners and colleagues are at your service as your corrosion toolbox when you need it.

Our most popular packages are:

$190 FULL Corrosion Series: pH, Min-Resistivity, water-soluble sulfate, chloride, ammonia, nitrate, sulfide, and redox potential; Provides all data needed to evaluate corrosion risk to dissimilar metal connections, carbon steel, ductile iron, stainless steel, copper, brass, aluminum, and concrete.

$150 Caltrans GeoQUAD: pH, Min-Resistivity, water-soluble Sulfate, & Chloride Data to evaluate corrosion risk to dissimilar metal connections, concrete and steel, little else. Warning: Caltrans guidelines are mainly concerned with steel and concrete roads. If your site also has copper water lines, copper electrical grounding, aluminum conduits, or brass fittings, you desire FULL CORROSION SERIES.

$50 Sulfate: When your site only has concrete with no rebar and you’re confident your soil pH is above 5pH. No other materials such as copper will be installed.

$100 Sulfate and Chloride: When your site only has concrete with rebar and you’re confident your soil pH is above 5pH. No other materials such as copper will be installed. Surprise high chlorides can corrode rebar encased in concrete

$50 A la carte tests such as Sulfide only or pH only will be $50.  We will not require any minimum orders as always. 

$625 Thermal Resistivity Dry-Out Curve based on 6 points. Averaging 3 day turnaround time.

$100 For Remolding soil samples to your provided Proctor Data

We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the future. We thank you for providing us the opportunity to be of service. We offer competitive prices with average 3 day Turn-Around-Time (TAT) on analysis and report. We understand your project needs to keep moving.

Discount for early payment: Terms 5% discount if paid in full within 30 days.

Requests for quotes and proposals requiring significant guidance and email discussions may incur an ODC % markup.


AWWA C105 10-point system Steel & Iron Package $190/soil sample

Samples are tested for Resistivity, pH, Sulfide, Redox to determine the AWWA C105 point with data presented in a letter report.  We highly recommend always testing for chlorides as they are the greatest contributor to pitting corrosion (pin hole leaks) and if copper and brass will also be in the soil, one should also test ammonia and nitrates as those elements cause the greatest harm to copper alloys.

Recommendations for Collecting Representative Samples

The goal is to have a soil sample from the depth and location that the infrastructure will be installed. We recommend a 1/4 gallon soil sample per acre (Soda Can~ 400g) be tested with a minimum of 3 locations for small lots. Zip lock bags are great for collection.  For residential developments, we recommend testing every 5th lot for corrosion series to avoid future construction defect surprises.  If one lot pops up much more corrosive than all others, we would recommend collecting more samples from the lots surrounding the problem lot to determine if the peak is isolated to it.

If this is for evaluating corrosion towards piles, concrete, and underground utilities, then we need samples from depths of 1 foot (most important for piles and concrete), 3 foot (for underground utilities and grounding wires), and 10 ft (for piles, very expansive soils, sewage, vaults, and storm drains), and ground water table information.  If using helical anchors, we want to collect soil samples from the depth of the bottom of the anchor.  The goal is to have a soil sample from the depth and location that the infrastructure will be installed.  With all of this information, we can be aware of the soil corrosivity at various strata for all materials thus providing the most accurate engineering information possible.  For pipelines such as water mains, we recommend collecting soil samples from pipe depth at every 1,000 ft of pipe alignment. A doctor doesn’t test a spot on your arm to test if the mole on your leg is dangerous. You sample where it matters.

Collecting water samples

Samples should be collected in sterile bottles.  In a pinch, buy a distilled water bottle, empty the bottle, rinse with a little water that is to be collected, then use for water collection.  The sample should be shipped in a cooler and tested as soon as possible.


At Project X Corrosion Engineering, we specialize in testing soil and water corrosivity, providing corrosion control recommendations, investigating causes of corrosion, building inspection, cathodic protection design, corrosion control, and failure analysis.  We help clients determine why they have a corrosion problem in the first place and what they can do to avoid corrosion problems in the future.  We do not sell products or perform construction. We provide unbiased recommendations requiring the least amount of maintenance and cost. Customer service and reasonable turn around times are our priority.

Doing your corrosion homework can save you expensive headaches in the future.  Digging up a water main pipe leak in grass plus repair typically costs $15,000.  You can imagine what it costs to fix slabs, corroding rebar in slabs, or difficult access infrastructure such as a street intersection.

Our lab rates are online to help you build your proposal.

Do not hesitate to call us for any questions.


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Lab Rates

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Estimated quotes for:

  • Soil sample collection, coating adhesion testing, isolation joint testing, or corrosion surveys, Southern California site visit cost depends on distance from site to Project X Corrosion office ($400/hr for field work team[negotiable]).  We will go anywhere in the world.
  • Soil Corrosivity and Corrosion Evaluation report with corrosion control recommendations and estimated corrosion rates of materials $1,500 per site or alignment. In order to provide the most thorough report, we require the $190 per soil sample test package consisting of pH, Minimum Resistivity, Sulfate, Chloride, Sulfide, Ammonia, Nitrate, REDOX.
  • Wenner 4 pin soil resistivity tests (2, 5, 10, 25, 50 ft spans) Please email us for a quote as unique factors such as spacings, distance to site, travel, number of resistivity line crosses, site accessibility, drilling or no drilling required, etc, affect the cost.  (Includes data report with map)  
  • Soil thermal resistivity tests $625 for six (6) points for Thermal Resistivity vs Moisture Content Dry-Out-Curve. $100 remolding charge if needed using client-specified optimal Moisture Content and Maximum Dry density.  IEEE Method Minimum 6 inches tall, 2-inch diameter undisturbed sample rings.(includes data report)

All Prices are subject to change and revisited quarterly.